Jerk Chicken

I like getting spices as a souvenir from our vacation, because they can continue to bring back memories for a long, long time. This Sunday dinner, in addition to remembering our wonderful Caribbean cruise, we got to remember this past Christmas, when one of my gifts was a grill pan. It worked great for cooking up some chicken breasts, simply sprinkled with a bit of jerk seasoning.

To go along with the jerk flavor, I experimented with a coconut sauce for the rice. It was a beautiful complement and did a great job of toning down the spice.

Unfortunately, now I can't remember how I made the sauce. I think I just mixed some creamed coconut with water until it was the right consistency. However, here are some interesting recipes to try in the future using coconut milk.

Spicy Coconut Salmon - I know I didn't use this recipe because I was trying to cut down on the spiciness. However, if jerk chicken isn't on the menu, this would probably be delicious.

You can also Google "coconut milk recipes" and come up with a plethora of options for curry.
