Dutch Oven Barbecued Meat

This is a recipe you won't soon forget if you ever try making it yourself. Make sure you're a meat lover before attempting to do so!

Start by seasoning 3 pounds of pork, 3 pounds of beef, and 3 pounds of chicken, then brown them in hot bacon grease or vegetable oil. After that stick the pot in the oven (300F) for 2 1/2 hours.

By then the meat should be cooked. Remove any bones (we skipped that step since we used boneless cuts) and cut or shred into bite-sized pieces. Then add 1/4 cup of liquid smoke and a quart of hickory-smoke-flavor barbecue sauce. Turn the oven down to 200F and bake for another hour.

Serve over rice with cornbread on the side. 

This makes a lot! We'll be eating leftovers for a while, but that's okay. We've decided that although the original recipe called for hickory smoke barbecue sauce, really any barbecue sauce would do. If we ever do this again, I'll try a different flavor. (We're still fans of KC Masterpiece original!)
