Fry Bread

Going through an old SD card, I found some pictures of recipes we made a couple of years ago. Here's the first one: Fry Bread. We had it three times - as a base for tacos, pizza, and then plain with honey. All three were delicious, although I preferred the freshly baked versions over the leftovers.

Dutch Oven Fry Bread

4 1/4 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon salt (note: I thought this was a bit much)
1 tablespoon powdered milk
1 1/2 cups warm water
1 1/2 cups oil or shortening (to fry the bread)

Sift the dry ingredients together.  add warm water, mix, knead dough for a few minutes until smooth. Let sit one hour.
Take pieces of dough and stretch or roll flat, then brown in hot oil until golden brown.
These can be used for pizza crusts or as a base for Navajo Tacos. They are also very good plain with butter and honey.

Personal Pizzas

Navajo Taco

Plain and with honey
