A New Christmas Bark

I had some pretzels leftover from making Blessing Mix, so when I saw this recipe for Salted Caramel Pretzel Bars, I just had to try it. I’m sure the missionaries will be happy to help me test it out. It’s pretty simple, but it does need to be refrigerated. Otherwise it turns into a sticky mess, although I’m positive no one will complain about this particular mess.

Salted Caramel Pretzel Bark

  • 2 cups milk chocolate chips, divided (an 11-12 ounce package)
  • 4 – 5 cups pretzels (about 1/2 a one pound package)
  • 1 cup of caramel (or and 11-oz package of caramel bits melted with 2 tablespoons water)
  • sea salt to taste (I used about 1 teaspoon)

Melt 1 1/3 cup chocolate chips and spread in a rectangle (use a parchment covered cookie sheet). Top with pretzels, then drizzle with caramel. Melt the remaining chocolate chips and drizzle over the top, then sprinkle with sea salt. Chill. Cut or break into serving pieces.
