A Childhood Delicacy

What do you do with leftover frosting? I can rarely make my batch of frosting equal whatever needs to be frosted, so there’s usually a small container in the back of the fridge. It comes in handy for glazing a small batch of cinnamon rolls or some other breakfast treat. However, for a while now there’s been a container of very dark, chocolate frosting that doesn’t work for that purpose. (It was originally made for Turtle Cupcakes.) It’s been a long time since I’ve made a chocolate cake, and I don’t see that happening any time in the near future. I could just throw the frosting out, but that doesn’t set well with me. I guess I could just eat it plain, but that doesn’t seem right either. Finally I noticed an opened box of graham crackers in the pantry.

Ta-da! I can recreate a favorite childhood memory. My mother always let us use our leftover frosting to make graham cracker sandwich cookies. This may have even been before the days of Oreos. (I just checked. It wasn’t. Oreos were first sold in 1912. That was even before my grandmother was born.) 

I can’t believe it took me so long to remember this special treat, but it won’t be long before both the frosting and the graham crackers are gone.
