Langosta Malagueña


These seafood recipes continue to be successful, and we're enjoying eating the results of our culinary adventures! For this recipe - Langosta Malagueña - we used the second lobster in the package we bought for the last recipe - Langosta Columbia. There's not a lot of difference between the two recipes, so you could probably create your own combination of seafood, vegetables and broth and name it after yourself!

You could zoom into the picture to see the actual recipe, but this is a flexible and forgiving dish (at least in my opinion). There actually wasn't an amount for the lobster, and since the tail we had in the freezer only yielded 1.29 ounces of meat, this was really Ham Malagueña and not Lobster Malagueña!

Anyway, to make it, sauté sliced peppers, chopped onions, sliced mushrooms and minced garlic in some olive oil. Stir in chopped lobster tail, diced ham and sliced chorizo, then some tomato sauce with a splash of white wine (or substitute chicken broth/white grape juice). Season to taste with salt and pepper, then garnish with white asparagus spears (the new ingredient I had to search for, finding in a jar in the vegetable aisle at Publix) and chopped parsley when serving.

While it supposedly made two servings, we're getting three meals out of it (so six servings). And after serving the original in a bowl, since it's fairly "saucy" we're going to serve the leftovers over rice. Either way is delicious!
