Seafood Vinaigrette - Again and Again

It's a good thing we really liked this recipe, because we got to make it more than once. It's also nice that it's actually quite simple to prepare. The hardest part was finding where to buy the specific crab. Wayne was prompted to follow someone in Costco and that led him to discover a special deal on king crab. What a nice miracle!  After searching online, we learned we could make a field trip to Wild Forks in Boynton Beach to buy some stone crab. What a fun store to explore!

Now we know where to go if we ever want a whole lamb, or even yak, ostrich or alligator!

For future reference, our favorite version was the one using king crab, probably because the chunks were larger, so the crab didn't disintegrate into the other ingredients. 

the king crab version

We also tried heating the seafood mixture and tossing it with some pasta, but we much preferred the cold variations.
