Spaghetti and Meatballs

Spaghetti was on the menu today, and since I had a pound of thawed ground beef in the fridge, I decided we'd have meatballs instead of wheat/meat in the sauce.  However, it's the end of the month and we're running low on eggs, so I wanted to make the meatballs without using any eggs.  Google came to the rescue!  And Princess was an awesome helper too!!
Egg-less Meatballs

1 pound ground beef
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup milk
salt and pepper to taste

Mix well and form into 1" balls.  Place on cookie sheet.  Bake at 400° for 8-10 minutes, or until cooked through.

I think next time I might add some garlic, and maybe additional seasonings, but the texture was great and they were delicious.  It's always nice to have something new land in the "success" column!
We used our regular Spaghetti Sauce recipe found here.
