The Pizza Experiment

Since Wayne has started joining me on our grocery shopping trips, they've changed just a bit. One of the things he noticed was the amazing variety of prepared foods available for purchase. We're still managing to avoid the freezer section, but he was intrigued by the take-and-bake pizzas and wanted to see if they were any good. (Wayne also did a cost comparison with Costco's Food Court pizza, and I don't remember which was actually cheaper per serving, but I do remember that it wasn't much of a difference.)

We tried one from Walmart with my parents, and one from Sam's Club with his, then tried a couple from our local store. 

Stuffed Crust - Good but the sauce was too sweet.

Meat Lovers - Also good, but we like mushrooms and olives on our pizza.

The verdict: not bad and perfectly acceptable, (particularly if you add more cheese), but we prefer my homemade pizza (or getting it already baked from the local restaurant). That's good to know, and maybe now he understands why they haven't been on the shopping list before. 

Our favorite recipes:

Robyn's Garlic Pizza Crust

Amy's Delectable Pizza Sauce

However, I should probably had some string cheese to the shopping list, since he loves the idea of Stuffed Crust Pizza.

And if you have a hankering for Deep Dish Pizza, try this one.
