Steak and Onions

I came across a recipe for a marinated steak and onions that I wanted to try, but when I actually went to make it, I couldn't find where I'd hidden the recipe. So, I had to find another. After reading several different recipes, I came up with the following combination:
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 cloves garlic, minced
That was the marinade. I plopped the steak in before church, and after church (4-5 hours later - there were extra meetings) broiled it a couple of minutes on each side, after sauteƩing some sliced onions in a bit of olive oil. At someone's suggestion, I threw in a can of sliced mushrooms into the onion pan, and cooked them until the liquid evaporated. Fresh mushrooms would have been delicious as well. Along with some baked potatoes and green beans, it turned out to be a yummy Sunday dinner.
