Super Seafood Soup

We turned the leftovers from the Operetta of Seafood into a yummy, delicious soup. We hope to be able to recreate it some time, and you can too if you'd like.

Start by making Coruñesa Sauce as found here, but skip the straining step. Stir in some of your favorite spices and herbs - we used tarragon, marjoram and tumeric. Then just add a bag of frozen seafood mix and any additional vegetables you like (we had leftover green beans) and simmer until heated through. If desired, place a scoop of cooked rice or pasta (mini shells would fit the theme perfectly) in a soup bowl before ladling in the soup. Garnish with parsley.

Note: Feel free to omit the blue crab (or use another variety) if you want; we’re sure it will still be delicious. Also, we think this might be a good option to try if you have some okra that needs to be used.
