Oodles of Noodles

We're still using tri-tip in our Dutch oven cooking, and this time it was as stroganoff. I won't bother posting the recipe, because I prefer the one my mom used. This one didn't have any thickening - it was just sour cream and milk with the beef and mushrooms - and I felt it was too thin. In spite of that, we've had it twice - once with packaged noodles and once with home-made noodles. While the stroganoff itself doesn't need a post, the noodles definitely do, so here you go!

Home-Made Noodles

7 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup milk
5 cups of flour (or more, if you live in Florida)
1/3 cup vegetable oil

Mix the eggs, salt, milk and flour in a large bowl until thick and consistent. Roll thin on a floured counter and cut into thin strips.

Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil. Add the oil to the water. Drop the noodles into the boiling water and let cook until tender. They will float when they're ready.

As you can see, the noodles turned out fabulously. And this recipe made a lot! That first night we served the stroganoff over them, but then we had to come up with some more ideas. Fortunately, we like pasta, and we liked the texture of these thick noodles, so it wasn't a chore to finish the batch.

The next day we had a regular, simple, sauteéd Sunday chicken with mushrooms, along with noodles and Alfredo sauce. A few years ago we had the privilege to participate in the Ft. Lauderdale Temple dedication. Wayne and I had responsibilities to be there for all three sessions. Michelle was home for the summer and sang in the cornerstone ceremony choir during the first session, and then she was able to be inside the temple for the second session. She got a ride home and had a delicious dinner waiting for us when we arrived home a few hours later - Chicken Alfredo. She used the recipe from Our Best Bites and we decided we quite liked their version, so it's become our go-to recipe for Alfredo Sauce. I have adjusted it, though, to honor Wayne's preference for a tangier taste. You can find that version here. How's that for a long explanation? However, one of the purposes of this blog is pass down the stories behind the recipes. In my humble opinion, this is a great story, and it brings back fantastic memories every time I have Alfredo Sauce.

Noodles Alfredo
A couple of days later we mixed that leftover sauce with leftover noodles, added some shrimp, and had Shrimp Alfredo for dinner. Wayne calls that a food chain - creating something new with leftovers.

We added noodles to a simple hamburger vegetable soup.

Finally, we had the last of the noodles with our regular spaghetti sauce.
